Created by Incredible Dream Studios
Due to our limited inventory, we are only shipping to the EU/UK. We do not have inventory in any other region, except the U.S. and that can be purchased via
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update 23: The Road Goes Ever On
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 10:01:39 PM
[tl;dr- switching to monthly updates on the first Friday of every month]
Seekers, it’s the morning after the campaign. For the first time in 21 days, I woke up without an alarm (10 minutes after my alarm would have gone off, but still), I had my morning coffee without checking where our funding was at (yes I stayed up late to make sure we passed that $300K stretch goal but still!), and I ate breakfast without writing an update in my head (I immediately started writing this when I went to work, but still!) It’s a brave new world we’re living in.
Long story short: WE DID IT!!
Kinfire Chronicles succeeded and it is all thanks to you. You helped make this happen. I speak for our entire team when I say: We are immensely proud of, and grateful to, this community of backers for taking this leap of faith with us and making Kinfire Chronicles: Night’s Fall a reality!
Today is going to be a quiet one at Incredible Dream. We’re taking some much needed rest and recovering from the campaign.
As you saw in Update 21, we’ve iterated with our manufacturers on prototype (white box) samples. Now that the campaign is wrapped,we’ve got to update Gameland on where we landed with stretch goals. We expect to make the print order before the year ends, and that will set off a chain of events to get this game to your doorstep.
Our art team is hard at work adding more illustrations to the memory cards, introduction box, and putting the finishing touches on our giant city of Din’Lux. Cathy, our story editor, is going through each and every card by hand for one final proofread. Kevin Wilson is making some last minute adjustments to the rulebook thanks to backer feedback (thanks for playing on Tabletopia!). And yours truly is working to make sure you still have the same awesome content on our social media, such as the next episode of the Kinfire Playthrough series.
If you’re not following us, now’s a great time to start! Here’s all the places you can find us:
Moving forward, we’re going to switch from daily updates to monthly ones. We’ll have an update for you on the first Friday of every month (unless it falls on a holiday, in which case we’ll move it to the following Monday). At a minimum, we’ll let you know where we are in the production process.
In the near term, updates may be short and sweet. As we get closer to fulfillment, we’re happy to (over) share where things are at. Feel free to leave comments of course, I will still be checking them. Just don’t expect the same speed of response as when we were active. If you are looking to engage with us more regularly, find us on any of our social channels:
Please be on the lookout for emails from me, Risa Petrone. We are working with Backerkit as our Pledge Manager, and plan to open it by October 10, 2022. The Pledge Manager is a simple survey where you can update your shipping address and pay for your shipping and taxes. We will also make add-ons available for purchase in the Pledge Manager.
The number one reason backers don’t get their pledge is because they didn’t fill out the pledge manager. If you don’t tell us where to send it, we can’t send it to you. We’ll do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen, but help us help you! I’m stressing it now so you won’t wonder why you’re getting so many emails from us.
If you’re a new backer or haven’t backed in a while, If you’ve never filled out a pledge manager before, don’t panic. I’ll have very clear instructions ready when the time comes.
What if I move before you ship my products?
One month prior to shipping,we’ll notify you through email to confirm your shipping one last time in the Backerkit platform.
How much time will I have to purchase add-ons and late pledges?
We haven’t determined that yet but will update everyone as soon as we know. This is going to be influenced by when we send files to print, which we currently expect to do before the end of 2022.
What will be the price of the board game and the upgrade kit in the Pledge Manager?
The board game will be available in the Pledge Manager. Please look to our next update for more information.
The upgrade kit will be available as an add on for $76. If you had backed the board game during the campaign at $99, and decide to add on the upgrade kit for $76, you will get the same price that premium backers got for the combo ($175). Upgrade kit add ons are limited to 1 per backer.
We’ll address more questions (e.g. digital mapbook where?) in the next update.
I may be a broken record but again, THANK YOU! This has been one incredible journey, and we’re so happy to have made it with this community. You all are the best!
Risa Petrone
Community Manager
Update 22: One last goal...
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:26:11 PM
Hold on to your lanterns, Seekers. This is gonna be a long one.
Where are we at in the campaign? As of today, we’ve unlocked 6 additional hours of gameplay content, including: 175 new story cards, 14 new standees, 10 allies, 7 maps, 6 folios, 11 focus tokens, and 11 enemy sheets. With your help, we also upgraded components like the Destiny Chits– now that they’re plastic, they’ll be more durable as they bang around in the Destiny bag (which is now also getting a design upgrade). All cards have been made premium to black core with linen finish, for that fine snap when you shuffle. Additionally, our art team has been at work adding more art to memory cards and story card backs. We’ve upgraded our welcome box to be even more welcoming, with an organizational insert tray, a fabric pull tab, and a brand-new illustration. And for our premium collection backers, we are adding one DIY quest folio to the box, as well as an additional gold treasure pack, and, as of this morning, a set of 13 alt skin Seeker cards for your player boards.
Phew! I think I got it all.
But we’re not done yet! Keep reading for more info on the daily reveal and our community gift (printable skins). We also have one last stretch goal that we can see in the distance and are hoping to achieve.
Let’s start with our latest unlocked stretch goal!
Why not encourage some roleplay and offer your playgroup some choices? In the upgrade kit, we are now including 13 cards that offer alternative versions (cosmetic-only “skins”) of the Seekers.
As announced yesterday, we’re also including our first community skin: Cosplayer Valora. Thanks to everyone who participated in our community conundrum series!
As promised, we also wanted to make some of these skins available– regardless of backer level. Here is a printable for 7 skins, including Cosplayer Valora.
You can print these out in color or in grayscale on a nice cardstock and you’re good to go! (Don’t worry, we’ll send these out again when we’re fulfilling, no need to bookmark this update)
This is it, friends. The final stretch goal. And it’s a bit of an upgrade to an upgrade.
Right now, the Premium Collection includes 150 card sleeves (which are also available as an add on). These sleeves have one custom design.
But we can do better than that, right? How about SIX custom designs, one for each Seeker??
We’ve mentioned previously that 150 sleeves gives you 25 per seeker, which is enough to cover the cards you will keep in your Seeker Boxes (and it will fit there, too). Functionally, having 6 unique designs improves these sleeves by making it easier to return an errant card to its home.
This is a big goal, friends! But if ever there was a day to accomplish it, it would be today. And yes, with this stretch goal we will also upgrade the designs on the add-on to match. So those purchasing the board game and the add-on will also take advantage of this final goal.
This is it, folks! Our final daily reveal.
Guildmaster Leera has sent you out to locate the famous wizard, Archmage Archibald, who has left the city to live alone in his tower. But when you arrive, things aren’t quite what you expected them to be.
This quest provides another hour of adventure with 29 story cards, 1 new enemy, 5 allies, and 1 new map. This one comes with 4 standees– not a typo! And our premium backers will also receive 4 acrylic versions of the standees.
Our favorite part of this quest is the unique mini game that melds the story and the combat together. If you’d rather leave the rest to surprise, then just keep scrolling. Otherwise, click the prompt card below to see more of The Lonely Tower!
Jane (“ahj00ma”) here. Many of you have asked about our plans for localization. We’ve mentioned that we’ve been looking into it and I had promised to share the latest before the campaign ended.
As of today, we’re currently only committed to one English print run of the game. We are continuing to evaluate our options and update our community with plans over the coming months. We have no immediate, concrete plans to localize in other languages but are prioritizing German as a major region.
I haven’t made as much progress as I’d like in terms of being able to share concrete plans with you. I am sorry to let some of you down. I know some of you would much prefer to purchase a localized version of the game or would like to know when it would be available, in order to make the right decision for themselves. As someone who has a family that speaks multiple languages, I know it can be frustrating to not be able to fully share an experience with some of them.
Unfortunately I can’t make your choices significantly easier today and respect any choice you make. At least, I thought I should share some of my learnings, our immediate plans and thoughts on where we’d like to take things next.
First of all, as an independent board game developer there are a few options to deliver your game internationally. One is managing the process in house and publishing it, a very complex operation to master– especially if you do multiple languages at once. The benefit is having more control over parts of the execution to ensure quality; the risk is potentially mismanaging the process at the expense of your customers. Another option is working with an established publisher, who has some local expertise and relationships. This eliminates some of the learning curve risk, but like any long term commitment, it takes time to find the right partners. Also– as a young, independent studio– we have much fewer chips to bargain with. Another common option is working with agents, who– like professional matchmakers– will introduce and help broker partnerships. These are all fine options that developers find success with, every day.
At the moment, we’re still exploring all these options and have not signed any deal. Our plans are to focus on delivering this first print run of Kinfire Chronicles, in English, to a quality bar we’re happy with. It’s just going to be easier to focus on making a great story-rich game in our native language. We are “walking before we run”, if you will.
In parallel, we’ll continue to explore the best options for our community– especially as we understand the interest for our game. Based on this Kickstarter alone, most of our foreign backers are based in Germany (should come as no surprise). So we are actively prioritizing to localize the game for German speakers. It’s not likely to be in our first print run (unless, by some miracle, we find the right partner). I’m thinking that the timing for that announcement could be as soon as the early half of next year.
We want to see this game in as many regions and languages as possible. We hope for the success to be able to achieve this. It may take us a while to get this in your language and region. Hope you’ll stay tuned for that and help us find great partners by telling us about your favorite localized games.
We have a lot more information to give you regarding production schedules, our update schedule (moving to monthly updates rather than daily), and more logistical stuff, so expect a second update from us later today, or possibly tomorrow morning.
For now, we’re going to hang out in the comments, answering your questions, and getting ready to celebrate! No matter what, Kinfire Chronicles: Night’s Fall is going to come to fruition. And we have you to thank for that.
With unending gratitude,
Risa Petrone
Community Manager
Update 21: It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN *horn noises*
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 03:46:12 AM
Happy Monday, Seekers!! And I mean it, it is indeed a happy Monday! Today we surpassed 2,000 BACKERS!! AND we unlocked the $260K goal, which means we’ll be fancying up the welcome box in the base game! The welcome box is the first thing you see once you open the box, and now it is going to have a fancy fabric pull tab (as someone who had to open the prototype without one, this is very exciting), a new insert tray, and we’ll ask the art team to upgrade the design of the box! Nothing to show for now but, like the rest of the art in the game. it’s going to be pretty sweet.
Now we look towards our next stretch goal, and we’re extremely hopeful to unlock this one:
Personalize your journey with alternative looks! This is a Premium Tier stretch goal that will add 12 unique looks, 2 for each Seeker, to the upgrade kit. These will be on cards that slot perfectly onto the Seeker board and allow you to customize your Seeker the way you want it! Here are just a few of them as teasers (they are still in development, so we don’t have them all ready yet):
And if you’re on the Board Game pledge level, don’t worry! We are preparing some of these as Print and Play options (in both color and grayscale form, in case your printer doesn’t like color, or you want to color it yourself!). We’ll have more information (and possibly some more sneak peeks at the looks) when we unlock this goal.
We talked a bit in Update 15 about how big and how involved the sidequests in the game are. Each one has the exact same care and effort put into it as each of our storyline quests, and are the biggest chunk of value we can add to this game (I’m serious, we had to reconfigure the box to fit it all). We’re so proud of the work Kevin and his team put into these. So without further ado, let’s talk about the sidequest revealed today…
We were really excited about this one, and getting to unveil it on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yarr and yo-ho and even a bottle of rum! And then y’all had to go and figure it out beforehand 😂! Nah, we’re not actually mad. The fact that people were looking so closely trying to figure out these reveals is awesome.
Without getting too spoilery (you can always click the Quest card to see some images and stats), We’re adding 26 new story cards, 2 unique enemies with their own AI (and their own standees, which means +2 standees to the Premium Collection), 1 new ally, and an environmental minigame that is just… well it’s on a pirate ship. Let the speculation commence!
Kevin Wilson (Kinfire’s Game Designer) recently got a new whitebox sample of the game sent to him. We’ve actually iterated with different versions of the box to figure out how things can fit together. For those who don’t know, this is a prototype of the game from the manufacturer with no art or printing on it. The purpose is to make sure the components are the right size and material.
So, remember that what you’re about to see is work-in-progress and photographed for our internal discussions. We’re sharing this in light of unlocking the Welcome Box upgrade and to show off some neat highlights.
First, here’s the big reveal when you pull the introduction box up and see all the folios, hero boxes, and the loot box waiting for you.
And now thanks to our latest unlocked stretch goal, we get to add a convenient pull tab:
Below you can see the guts of the game: The Quest folios, the Seeker boxes, and the Loot box! You won’t find a lot of deadspace in here.
Speaking of the loot box, here’s what it looks like inside:
From left to right you’ve got the void box for your fate tokens (why? don’t worry about it), treasure packs, Din’Lux packs, and level-up packs.
Last but certainly not least, a quick video of the magnetic closure on the box lid/game board.
Ah, so satisfying!
We’ve gone through this box piece by piece, taking notes and making adjustments. Once we conclude the campaign and have a final count of stretch goal unlocks, we’ll take it to the manufacturer for our final quote. We can’t wait to see all of this filled with artwork, text, and ready to play! We’ll keep you updated in the months following the campaign. In the meantime, let us know what part of the game box you’re most excited about (that magnet tho!)
In the dining hall of the Seekers’ Guild, Valora gives a little bow and a wave to the crowd before she disappears upstairs with Khor’s box.
The Seekers enjoy a round of ale as they wait. Feyn leans against the railing with a smirk. “This is going to be good,” he says.
Roland pats his beard. “I’m just thankful it wasn’t me.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Asha says. They raise a mug in his direction and the other Seekers join in.
“Ha!” Naz laughs. “I would have paid good coin to see Roland all dressed up.”
At the other end of the table, Khor seems to be ignoring them all, impatiently tapping their fingers. Flickers leaves their shoulder to fly up the stairs after Valora.
Not long later, Valora reappears. The crowd seems stunned. Some stifle their laughter. Others can’t help but release an “Awwwww!” or whisper “So adorable.” One person in the back even appears to pass out from the shock of cuteness.
Valora descends the stairs in her full-length mothling costume. At the bottom, she gives a deep curtsy and uses her wings to motion upward. Everyone shifts their gaze to the top of the stairs. Flickers hovers there proudly, decked out in a newly-fashioned Valora outfit, complete with hat, tiny bow, and mothling-sized arrows.
The cries of cuteness are even louder than before. Khor puts a hand to their mouth. “I—“ they say, and if they were capable of tears, it seems likely that they would have burst into them at that very moment.
The rest of the crowd shoves their way forward and lines up to take turns petting Flickers and giving Valora a little pat on the head.
Suddenly, Guildmaster Leera barges in through the front entrance. “We have a problem,” she says. “Luca’s cargo snail has gone rabid and it’s loose in the city. A load of bandits have taken advantage of the chaos. You lot—“ She motions to Asha, Feyn, Naz, Roland, and Khor, and then hesitates before motioning to Valora as well. “There’s no time. Grab your weapons and come on.”
“Now?!” Valora cries, looking down at her outfit.
“Well, Val” Feyn says, patting her on the back. “If your arrows don’t land, you can always kill ‘em with cuteness.” He hands over her bow, gives her a wink, and pulls her out the front door.
We had SO. MUCH. FUN. Doing these conundrums with you all. And the final result couldn’t have been better. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for playing with us. We’re hoping this isn’t the last of Flickers-cosplay Valora (and Valora-cosplay Flickers!)
Oh, and we have one more surprise for you:
YES, the Valora-as-Flickers cosplay is going to be included in the Seeker Skins goal! And we are planning to include her in the Print and Play version so that everyone can enjoy. Thanks for playing along and making this happen!
ALSO! The Brothers Murph is streaming Quest 2 on their Twitch channel RIGHT NOW (2:30ET/11:30PT)! Go cheer them on!
Risa Petrone
Community Manager
Update 20- 48(ish) Hours to Go!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 11:17:35 PM
[tl;dr- 48 hours left - WE NEED YOU!, twonew unlocked stretch goals, Daily Reveal #1, Archery update]
Friends, we are in that 48 hour countdown! (well, 48 hours-ish). The campaign officially ends at 11:59pm PDT (GMT-7) on Tuesday September 20th. We need your support to help make this project the best it can be. By backing now, you’ll be among the first to own the game and– for premium collection backers– you’ll be able to show off your copy of the game in style. You’ll also help us with some remaining stretch goals that we’d love to see in the final product, plus you’ll support a young independent game studio (and we’re already working on ideas for future projects!).Now is the time to hop on down and join us!
What’s ahead in the campaign? We were inspired by this community and the enthusiasm for Kinfire. We’re including some big, additional things to the game as daily reveals instead of offering them as stretch goals or add-ons. We’re taking a leap of faith in our existing and future backers, the same as you’ve taken a leap of faith in us to deliver an incredible gaming experience. Additionally, we have a few remaining upgrades that– with your support– we’d love to include in the box.
We hit one stretch goal last night (after I had admittedly gone to bed) and by the time I got this update going, we were so close to unlocking our next stretch goal that we decide to wait and announce them both! Now we are adding a blank (DIY) Quest Folio to the Premium Collection!
With the latest unlocked stretch goal, premium tier backers will get 1 folio box, 4 enemy sheets, 1 punchboard with punchouts for 4 standees and 4 tokens, 30 story cards, and 5 memory cards. These will be printed in areas to match the thematic elements of Kinfire Chronicles, with spaces left open for your imagination (see an example in Update 16).
If you’re not planning to purchase the Premium Collection or would like to create more than one quest, a 4-pack of the blank quest folios is available as an add on. We are also planning to make the blank quest folios available at conventions and potentially elsewhere, depending on demand.
Reception to the blank quest folios has been very positive!!! We’re super eager to see what you come up with!
AND we’re already announcing the next stretch goal:
The Welcome Box is the first thing you’ll see when you remove the lid (which doubles as the game board) from the box. Inside you will find everything you need to get your journey started, quickly. With your help, we can make some nice component improvements (upgraded art, fabric pull tab, and insert tray) to make the box opening experience even more delightful!
This is it! The first of our daily reveals, and we are thrilled to announce that we are adding… *drumroll*
In Delirium you’ll be tasked to discover the source of a mysterious illness befalling the village of Hallstatt. In this hour-long adventure you’ll be questioning NPCs and trying to solve this puzzle. This sidequest gains you 26 new story cards, a new battle map, a new ally, and four new enemies (which means 4 new cardboard standees and 4 new acrylic standees for premium backers).
What do you think this illness might be? Or how you might solve the problem?
Check back tomorrow for the next reveal!
Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to the real life archers (e.g. Patrick Steele and David Van Drunen) who have given us some constructive feedback about Valora’s poses.
When we initially explored Valora’s visuals, we focused on things like her personality, backstory, and relationships to the team.
Admittedly, most of us on the team are not archers ourselves and so it was a learning curve for us!
When we redesigned Valora for the new Action poses (see Update #12), we wanted to incorporate community feedback into her design. In the process, we were able to bring in some cool inspiration from traditional Korean and Turkish archery forms. These specific archery forms encourage shooting quickly while in motion, which is great for an action game 😉.
Valora is shooting a smaller bow compared to an English longbow. She doesn’t have a traditional gakgung either. Instead, we came up with a fantasy bow with a little bit of inspiration from multiple styles. The bow and form has a unique grip style which you can see in the way she draws her bow.
Thanks to our community, our art team did quite a bit of Archery research to shore up on some areas. We love her new inspired design and hope you do too!
Check back tomorrow for our next daily reveal, and the winning prize for the Conundrum! What has Valora gotten herself into??
Risa Petrone
Community Manager
Update 19: Short, Sweet, and Full of Stories
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 11:53:26 PM
[tl;dr: Stretch goal update, AMA Recap, New Brothers Murph Stream Time]
We are THISCLOSE to hitting our $245K stretch goal! So close in fact that we considered not dropping this update until we did! But we’re not going to do that to you. So we’ll continue with the update, and if we DO wind up hitting that goal today, be ready for a second update! (I know I know, it’s Saturday, we’re supposed to be doing short updates. But it’s the last weekend of the campaign and we’re all too excited to stay away from our computers. It’s a bad habit)
Yesterday we had the last of our Kickstarter AMAs in our Discord, and we went out with a bang! We were joined by narrative consultant Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz (Cyberpunk 2077, Thronebreaker, The Witcher 3), story editor Cathy Bock (of The Game Bocks), and webcomic author Brandon Chen (God Game, Just a Goblin)
Here are some of our favorite answers (edited for brevity and clarity):
Q: What’s the difference between writing for platform games and for tabletop games?
Mateusz: I worked only on single-player video games prior to working with IDS, so working on Kinfire Chronicles was veery different. First of all, the liberty to design a setting from scratch which was liberating but could get overwhelming at times (when you can do anything, it can get difficult to decide). Second of all, the story and worldbuilding had to be made with the social interactions in mind. Much different from designing single-player content.
Q: How challenging was it to fit the story on cards with limited space?
Cathy: This was definitely the biggest challenge of all. Trying to be concise while also developing the setting and the characters was tricky. I learned to edit out a lot of unnecessary words and explanations, which actually helped to improve the tone of the writing. It was a good deal of trying to say a lot with a little
Q: What inspired the changes in the species from what we think of traditionally (like the elves being nocturnal?)
Mateusz: I think this specific pitch started with visual research, which is a proof that inspiration can start in unexpected places. I remember we found these amazing elaborate masks and I thought it would be a super cool trait for them to wear these in certain situations. From there, I started thinking of why would they do that so it's not just pure fashion, and the idea of making them nocturnal popped up - so they need to cover their skin from sunlight, and actually it started giving us more interesting worldbuilding tidbits about them (architecture, culture, etc.).
Cathy: I can't speak to the elves, since I didn't have a part in their development, but our changes to traditional orcs was out of a desire to create something fresh and unique while also being familiar. Our orcs have weather-sense, allowing them to perceive slight changes in the air, humidity, and even foretelling the arrival of the Darkness. Many orcs live in farming communities, using their weather sense to determine where their crops are most likely to grow successfully, etc. Orcs are also masters of sea navigation, and some have taken to shipping, smuggling, and maybe a little bit of piracy.
Q: What’s one of your favorite things to write about in this world?
Brandon: Revenants. They're so cool and the main character/villain of the webtoon are both revenants, which conceptually feel both a fusion of futuristic and fantastical at the same time. Also they come in all shapes in sizes, so fun. Props to whoever pitched that idea in the initial narrative meetings!
Cathy: I'd have to agree that revenants are super cool to write about and one of the most unique aspects of the world of Kinfire Chronicles. But I also really enjoy inventing whole backstories and origin stories and various elements and characters in the world that indirectly influence aspects of the story. I have a habit of over-indulging in details.
Mateusz: I personally really enjoyed writing about the elves, politics of the world and Revenants. Figuring out the main standout for the world was a cool challenge, and we also had a lot of fun with that one.
If you remember, the Brothers Murph were supposed to stream Quest 2 last Monday, but had to postpone due to some under-the-weather yuckies. Luckily they are able to reschedule for a special Monday midday stream on Monday, September 19th at 2pmET/11amPT. Join them on their Twitch channel as they continue their journey. And if you want to see how they did on Quest 1, they have the playthrough on their YouTube channel.
Keeping it short and sweet on Saturday! Join us tomorrow for the first of our daily reveals! What do you think it might be??